GALLERY OF EVENTS - College Infrastructure - May 2008 - Page 1

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The Infrastructure of the College had been neglected for a long time. The present condition is as yet pathetic on the whole although certain areas have been rectified particularly under the present Headmaster. Although Millions were spent since March 2002 in an enormous effort by so may Old Boys individually and by the OBA, in the final analysis it only proved to be of cosmetic value. The task was too gigantic and we ran out of steam, not entirely due to the lack of enthusiasm on the part of the Old Boys. Unfortunately the font of goodwill and sincere commitment was either misinterpreted or ignored.

Apart from funds set aside by the Board of Governors and monies utilised from the income of the College the OBA as well as individual Old Boys, Groups of Old Boys and well wishers in Sri Lanka as well as in Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, USA and other parts of the world have contributed towards the present effort. When one traverses across the grounds of the Campus the good work done by all those mentioned above can hardly be noticed because of the enormity of the degradation which had set in during the last decade or two.

Images we had taken previously of certain areas of the College were so pathetic and deplorable that at that time we refrained from uploading same on the web site. We considered it too sensitive and could even create in the minds of the authorities a misunderstanding of our motives.

However, we did pass on these images privately to Old Boys and Well Wishers outside Sri Lanka. They were appalled at the conditions prevailing. Some were so horrified and suggested taking action against the authorities for neglect. Saner Counsel prevailed and as expected by us the concerned Old Boys have rallied round and have already set in motion activities and procedures to come to the assistance of their alma mater Old Boys of Australia, United Kingdom, and Canada have already assisted. Thus our efforts have not been in vain.
Having this same motive and in the belief that these images will move Old Boys who in their formative years were nurtured in its bosom, College will not consider it inappropriate to enlighten these Old Boys of its present plight, and hope that they would be persuaded to answer the call.

Roof, Gutters and Down Pipes
Roof, Gutters and Down Pipes
Roof, Gutters and Down Pipes
Roof, Gutters and Down Pipes
Laundry – Washing and Drying
Laundry – Washing and Drying
Laundry – Washing and Drying
Laundry – Washing and Drying
Electrical Wiring
Electrical Wiring
Electrical Wiring
Ceiling Boards
Ceiling Boards
Ceiling Boards
Ceiling Boards
Ceiling Boards
Windows and Grills
Lack of adequate play Ground- Boys playing cricket
Bath and Wash area for Boys
Open pond requiring attention
Senior Supervisor Mr Nesaseelan’s quarters – Now abandoned
Senior Dorms Down Pipes
Senior Dorm Grills to be replaced
Senior Dorms – Laundry Washing and Drying
Senior Dorms – Laundry Washing and Drying
Senior Dorms – Laundry Washing and Drying
Senior Dorms – Laundry Washing and Drying
Senior Dorm Windows
Senior Dorm Windows
Senior Dorm Windows
Senior Dorms Staff Quarters
Senior Dorm Toilet Electrical Wiring
Senior Dorm Toilets, Showers, Wash Basins
Senior Dorm Toilets, Showers, Wash Basins
Senior Dorm Toilets, Showers, Wash Basins

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