GALLERY OF EVENTS - 62 Group Fellowship Dinner Nov 2001


The Registration Staff with LJ at the Registration desk at La Fontaine Mt.Lavinia Hotel.
The entertainers arrive
Amare and Harish Registering
The Lama and Bull Mara
Ana Amaranath registers. Rizvi Jalill the Bouncer in the Background
The Diyawanna Walkers Register– The Don and Anilal
The Pioneers Register – Bradman & Duleep
Sarath Registers
Gamini Registers
Ravi Mahawaduge makes an entry
Nihal Bharethi
Nihal Wanni
Neelendra and LNDS
Mohan Wijedoru Registers
Sydney Abeykoon
Jabir Junaid
PSR, Prematillake & MB
PHP and Kamal make an entrance
Kamal and Bandu
Palitha, Sunil and Kryshantha register
Kryshantha receives his souvenir, programmme & Newsletter etc
MPD Perera collects his souvenir etc
MPD Perera
Meeting after 40 years – Prematillake& Amunu
Jabir Embraces Faizal Bongzo
Fruit punch to start with
Nihal Bharethi greets past Students
Ana,Neil,Amunu,Jabir & Suriarachchi
Welcome Bacchus
Duleep,LJ &Bradman
Faizal takes over the vocals at the bandstand
Cabaret by the entertainers
Cabaret by the entertainers
Cabaret by the entertainers
Cabaret by the entertainers
Mahen , LM & Ana
Ravi, Prema, Wanni & Jabir
Ana, Jabir, Wanni, LJ & Bull Mara
Ana,MB,Wanni & Jabir
Cabaret by the entertainers
Cabaret by the entertainers
Cabaret by the entertainers
Mahen, Prematilleke,Neelendra and Lama watch the Cabaret
Sarath, LJ & Jabir The Trio that did the Confidential Report in discussion with Bradman & Duleep
Cabaret by the entertainers
Cabaret by the entertainers
Dinner is served
LM & Bharethi
MB & Don
Duleep & Mara
Bill Clinton has passed the cigars around
Bandula & PSR pair off
Shantha Dimbulana, Ana Amaranath, Gamini, Mahen, Bradman, Lama,LM
Nimal Bharethi,Mohan Wijedoru,Ravi K otalawala, Wanni, Bandu Kodituwakku, Gamini Jayasuriya
Cabaret by the entertainers
Mara,Jabir & Neil give their own cabaret
Lama & Amare give an exhibition performance
The Plaques
Jabir Junaid makes the presentation to LM
LM Addresses the gathering
Jabir – Listens
LM Displays Plaque
LM, Terrance and Mohan admire the Plaque
The Don makes the presentation to Bull Mara
Bull Mara has a word
The listeners cheer the speaker
Wanni makes the presentation to Nimal Bharethi
Nimal Bharethi
Sarath Suraweera makes the presentation to Bradman
Bradman Speaks
Ana makes the presentation to Duleep – the Compere Fizal Bongzo in the background
Duleep addresses the gathering
Duleep continues to speak
Mahen steps up to assist with the mike
Ana , Sunil Hanthi, PN, Sarath Jayasinghe, Gamini , Sarath Suraweera, Prematilleke, Sydney Abeykoon, and Bull Mara
Bradman to Duleep-" Well Spoken"
Mahen does surgery in song

Mahen gives the solo

David and Goliath – PSR & Gamini do a turn
Amunu, PSR & Amare
The Coconut barons – Palitha & Sunil
Ravi & Wanni
PN, Sarath J,Ravi,Sarath S, &Jabir
A Crowded floor
Jabir,Duleep,Palitha &MPD join the dancing
The Old Boys surround Duleep

We have not been successful in having issued a Membership Card to the Members of the OBA. We have also not succeeded in having the OBA Members Directory issued to date, though work in that behalf commenced over a year ago. WE REGRET OUR LACK OF CLOUT WITH THE OBA AND ITS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.

To compensate therefor we are issuing herewith the ’62 GROUP MEMBERSHIP CARD and the “INAUGURAL ISSUE” of our Directory both compiled and completed within 48 hours and issued on the occasion of our Fellowship Dinner today which itself was organized and finalized in less than 2 weeks. We hope you find this Directory useful. There may be errors and omissions. Please bring them to our notice together with particulars of other old boys who belong to this era. They will be accepted and rectified with humility. We will be updating the Directory AS AND WHEN SUCH INFORMATION IS NOTIFIED. Copies issued henceforth will therefore contain information updated to the date of SUCH ISSUE.

Extract from 62’ Group News Letter No. 02

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