GALLERY OF EVENTS - Development work at Guru - 2002 / 2003


Mahen Inspecs Pool With The Headmaster
New River Sand Introduced - Mahen Inspects Filtratration Plant
New Brush & Motor To Clean bottom of the Pool.
Out come the Rubbish - Mango Seeds & All
Cleaning Plant Engine Dismantled & repaired
Plant Repaired - Mahen Inspects
Plant gets a New Coat of Paint
Pool & Environs Get a New Look.
Discussing Plans with College Contractor & Electrical & Telecom Consultant
Inspecting The Well Water Pump Room (01)
Inspecting The Well Water Pump Room (02)
Waiting for the Water to come up to the Davidson Block.
Above The Old Class Rooms - No Water for Five Years say Teachers
The Water gushes out - Mr Premadasa is all smiles.
The Victorious Team Returns after a hard days work.
Checking the water situation in the Farm for the Animals.
New Railings behind Read Junior to dry clothes.
New Railings in front of Senior Dorms to dry clothes (01)
New Railings in front of Senior Dorms to dry clothes (02)
New Railingsin front of Senior Dorms to dry clothes (03)
Squash Court being repaired
Bio Gas Project Under Construction
New Beds for Winchester Dorm
New Tables & Benches for the Dining Hall
Discussing The Menu for OBA Reunion Weekend with the Matron
Sunda Tries to be Periya Dorai at GURU
Minor Staff have other ideas - Sunda gives up - Cleans the drain himself.
New Dustbins Arrive - Keep the campus Clean.
New Books for the Library
New Desks & Chairs for Upper Sixth Formers
Covers for Drains at Keble.
Junior Dorm Corridors repaired & Painted.
A Thank You Note To Old Boys From read Junior Boys.

As regards the various Projects the position is as follows:-


(a)Refurbishment of all the Senior Dorms is going on. The Hayman Dormitory is almost completed. Work on the other dorms will continue. Students are re-located to facilitate refurbishment. We will co-ordinate with the Head Master and attend to same.

(b) There has been an inquiry with regard to providing Uniform Beds, mattresses and lockers for the Dorms. This is being pursued. If it materializes, the Dorms will once again have the same appearance as in the Hayman era. The present students will be free to take back home their mattresses, almyrahs, cupboards, clothes racks etc of various shapes, sizes and hues.

(c) Mr.Ruwan Munasinghe has indicated that it would be possible to supply bunk beds with 2 Ceyesta mattresses at Rs.3,000/- per unit. This is being pursued.

(d) Foster Dorm : Mr. Kaleel Majeed a Young Old Boy has undertaken to rehabilitate the Foster Dorm which needed extensive repairs and was left out of the December, 2001 Painting and Refurbishing Programme.

Telephone and Intercoms : An Old Boy has left with Rizvi a Telephone System to be handed over to the Head Master in due course once relocation is complete. The wiring will be done by Mr. Kamal Kodituwakku. The extensions will be provided to the Old Class Room block, the Laboratory and the Middle School Class Rooms at one end of the Campus and the Keble Complex at the other end of the Campus. It was felt that the following extension points may be appropriate.

1.Keble Complex
2.Senior Dorms
3.Co-operative Stores
4.Chapel/Former Chaplain’s Quarters
5. Junior Dorms
6.Accounts Branch
7.Visitors Room/ Lobby in Administration are
8.Head Masters Secretary’s Room
9.Head Master’s Office Room
10.Sick Room
11.Food Matron’s Quarters
12.New Dining Hall
13.Administrative Block
14.Farm Office
16.Foster Memorial Hall
17.Head Master’s Bungalow
18.S.K Wickremasinghe Block
19.Old Class Room Block
20. Middle School Class Room

If the Administration and Accounts Sections including the Head Masters Office is re-located in the new complex, then the above arrangement needs adjustment. We have asked the Head Master for his observations.

Class Room Furniture : Ruwan is also able to procure the class room furniture. He has been requested to deliver 30 tables and chairs for the Upper 6th class room as an Old Boy has undertaken to meet that cost. Others are expected to come forward and support in due course for other Class Rooms.

Laboratory and Library: Mr.Don Gazara has already made arrangements for the supply of a huge volume of books. Supply of Laboratory equipment will be no problem to him. The response of the Head Master with regard to the actual requirement and specifications of the microscope and the books etc has been received. A large consignment of books gathered by Don was delivered to the Head Master. Brig. B Munasinghe too has arranged regular consignments of books from Asia Foundation and the first of these was delivered to the Head Master at the Ex-Co Meeting on May 17,2002. Don has visited College and looked in to various matters and reported back his observations.

OBA News Letter No.1
May 30,2002

At a preliminary discussion immediately after the AGM and even before the First Meeting of the Ex-Co, several Members came forward and personally undertook various tasks. One Old Boy undertook a complete rehabilitation of the Senior Dorms consisting of De Saram, Garnier, Read and Hayman. This work was completed by early June and the Senior students moved into occupation into a much better environment. Winchester Dorm (situated between the Co-op stores and the old chummery) and which is also considered a Senior Dorm had been evacuated as its condition had deteriorated to such an extent. This Dorm is presently being refurbished with the assistance of an Old Boy. Another Old Boy undertook the complete rehabilitation of the Squash Court. Work is now going on and is expected to be completed before the end of this month. Yet another Old Boy undertook the complete rehabilitation of the Badminton and Basket Ball Courts. This work has been partially completed. Another Old Boy undertook the rehabilitation of the water supply system. A part of the work is due to be completed before the end of September. Two Old Boys undertook to supply and install a new Telephone System connecting all areas of College. Whilst the equipment and wiring is available details of citing extensions the relocation of the Administration Section and the Headmasters office etc are awaited to commence installation. Two other Old Boys undertook to examine the situation on the farm and give necessary advice. Following this advice it has been possible to find a ready market for all the farm produce. Another Old Boy provided individual desks and chairs for 02 class rooms of the Upper 6th. Two Old Boys undertook to replenish the Library with modern and current books. Already over three consignments of books have been delivered and a proper inventory system has been introduced to minimize pilferage etc. Equipment for the Swimming Pool together with equipment required for swimming and life saving were donated by another Old Boy. Equipment for Basket Ball too was donated by another Old Boy. Some may consider this insufficient or insignificant, but it is “better to light a small candle”.

OBA News Letter No.3
October 03,2002

Sports equipment.

The lack of equipment for sports has been highlighted strongly by the masters in charge of the various sports activities. Although we did supply equipment for swimming and basket ball, much more is required. An Old Boy is prepared to make available the sports equipment required by the College provided there is a Sports Club which could be approved through the Provincial Council. We have prepared the Rules of the proposed S.Thomas’ College Gurutawala Sports Club and handed over same to the Head Master with necessary advise to have same in place and inform us thereafter so that the Old Boy concerned could make all necessary arrangements to commence supplies.

Refurbishment of junior dorms.

We will always accept any assistance as well as advice, suggestions or constructive criticism to College or the OBA. An offer made through the Ex-Co in March 2001 by some old boys to refurbish the Junior Dorms was ignored until the Head Master on his own wrote direct to the Old Boys concerned in December 2001 accepting the offer. The work was promptly carried out during the December holidays and the Headmaster’s report testifies to the quality of the work done. Presently Old Boys who take an active interest in the affairs of College as well as the OBA have communicated their views suggestions and proposals. These have been welcome. Such Old Boys have been written to, to express the appreciation of the Association apart from initiating action and inviting the Members concerned to attend the Meetings of the Ex-Co to enable them to explain their proposals in details.

Old boys have on their visits to College gone in to the dorms to see for themselves the cleanliness and orderliness as prevailing now. As the state of the dorms was unsatisfactory they have demonstrated personally to the students occupying the dorms how to maintain the dorms in a better state particularly now that they have been renovated at great expense.

Replacement of Old Tables and Benches in the class rooms with individual desks and chairs; replacement of existing beds, bunk beds, mattresses and lockers; providing new study tables for the dorms; lab equipment; books for the library; equipment and facilities for sports (Cricket, Hockey, Badminton, Basket Ball, Squash, Swimming, etc) complete overhaul of the water supply system; improvement of all roads within the campus; erecting a fence around the campus; providing equipment for the pantry and kitchen; partitioning of the Administration Block to enable the Headmaster and others to relocate in the new Building repair of the roof of the old class room block; purchase of a large van for college for movement of teams for sports activities; purchase of a small van for college for routine marketing and banking etc, and repairs to all staff quarters are some of the areas which require attention. The funds collected are to be applied towards some of these projects. The Dr.R L Hayman and Fr.A J Foster Scholarship Funds need replenishment and they have been inactive for the past few years.

OBA News Letter No.3
October 03,2002

A Telephone System which was gifted is now with the Headmaster awaiting installation in his new office as soon as he relocates. In order that he may do so the new Administration Block has been partitioned and a ceiling provided for the Headmaster’s Room.

Winchester Dormitory and its toilets have been completely repaired. New beds for this dormitory have been turned out. It is ready for occupation by the new intake in January 2003.

Several consignments of books have been donated to the Library both Sinhala and English. The Headmaster, the Chaplain and the Teachers in charge of various subjects were very pleased with the quality of the books supplied. They are being inventorised so that from January, 2003 they will be available to the students.

Equipment for the Laboratory which had been necessary for quite some time were supplied including a Microscope. The Master in charge of Science was happy that all the items required had been made available.

The Treatment Plant of the Swimming Pool has been attended to. Repairs to the roof of the Treatment Plant have also been carried out. The Warden of S. Thomas’ College Mt. Lavinia had offered the old plant which was put away at the time their new swimming pool was inaugurated. The equipment was subsequently inspected by some members of the Ex-Co and found that the Filter Unit, the Pumps etc were still in the installed condition and the Pumps and Valves jammed due to severe corrosion. The removal of the Filter Unit would require removal of the Roof, crane facilities for lifting and loading and it was considered an expensive exercise and did not serve much purpose in taking it to Gurutalawa. The Filter should however be useful in the future, if the Swimming Pool is to be modernised with new systems.

Boards and Baskets for the Basket Ball Court have been installed. We have been informed that it is necessary to enlarge the Court in both directions to arrive at the standard size and this is a project that is being considered.

OBA News Letter No.4
January 01,2003

A new telephone system bringing the classrooms and the Keble section at the 02 extreme ends of the Campus within easy communication is to be installed as soon as the relevant information sought has been provided.

OBA Newsletter No.2
July 17,2002

A further Leadership Workshop is to be arranged at Gurutalawa itself when more senior students will be able to participate. Several Old Boys have expressed their willingness to assist in this matter. There has been a marked improvement of the manner in which the dormitories are being kept. However, several Old Boys who visit College regularly are of the view that there is considerable room for improvement. It is hoped to help the Headmaster in regard to this matter by means of these workshops and regular visits.

OBA Newsletter No.4
January 01,2003

The non availability of water in the staff toilets of the old class room block for the last 04 to 05 years had been complained of by the teachers for a long time and particularly at the Ex-Co meeting of October 05, 2002. The problem was examined by Old Boys who are conversant in the subject. It was found that the pump was not having the necessary capacity and head to deliver the water from the well up to the old classroom block. Thus a new pump of a higher capacity and head which was donated has been taken to Gurutalawa and installed. Water is now available, satisfying a long felt need.

OBA Newsletter No.4
January 01,2003

At the request of the teachers of Social Studies Maps, Brochures, Publications etc were obtained from the United Nations Office, the Tourist Board, the Survey Department, and donated for use in the Class Rooms for Social Studies.

We have after obtaining a letter from the Headmaster, interviewed the officers concerned at the United Nations Office and placed the College on their Mailing List to enable all Literature, News Bulletins etc, that are being handed out by the United Nations and all it’s allied agencies transmitted to Gurutalawa for their Library as well as for their Social Studies.

Newsletter No.4
January 01,2003

While every endeavour was made by the OBA in the past four years, within the confines and limitations of the Rules of the OBA to staunch the deterioration in standards and help in many ways, the financial crisis which has deepened, needs being addressed immediately.

Representations made directly and indirectly to the ‘Powers that Are’ administering the College were not given enough attention. But the good news is that efforts are being made to address these issues even now. The fact is the College is Rs.3.5 million in the red and there is a monthly shortfall of Rs.350,000.- .

The OBA commissioned a team of Professionals to give a comprehensive Report at a cost of Rs.54,000.- to revamp the Administration and the Financial Procedures, three years ago. This was referred to all concerned and the important recommendation to appoint an Administrative Officer was put into effect. But unfortunately, though the OBA agreed to pay half the salary, it turned out to be an exercise in futility. Possibly and ‘maybe’ interested parties did not allow him to function as he should because the Report was never considered seriously for proper implementation. Suffice to say that none of the recommendations of the Report have been put into effect by the Management

Newsletter No.9
April 05,2005

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