GALLERY OF EVENTS - Dinner Hosted by Bandu Kodituwakku Feb 14th 2008

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A grand Dinner was hosted by Mr.Bandu Kodituwakku (1963-1966) at his Ward Place, residence on Saturday February 9,2008 for Guru Old Boys.

The Guest List included Bandula Wanigasekera (1949-1953), Nanda Mathew (1951-1956), Rodney Mathew (1951-1957), Kosala Wijayatilake (1956-1957), Sunil Watawala(1956-1962), Upali Jayawardena (1958-1963),Lakshman Jayatilaka(1958-1962),Mahen Ranasinghe(1958-1962), B A Mahipala(1958-1963), Nihal Wanniarachch (1959-1964), J J Rajakaruna (1959-1964), Lt. Col. Karu Amarasinghe (1959-1965, M P D Perera (1960-1967), Gamini Jayasuriya(1961-1966),Upali Panditharatne (1961-1965), David Claasz (1961-1965),Palitha Rajapakse (1961-1967), Upali Gunaratne (1961-1965), Chethiya Fernando (1961-1966), Anilal Algama (1962-1965), Srilal Wickremaratne (1962-1966), Kamal Kodituwakku (1962-1966), Krisantha Weerawardena (1963-1968), Kulasiri Jayasinghe (1963-1967), Mano Gnanaraj (1963-1967), Chrysantha Jayawardena (1963-1972), P H P (Lucky) De Silva (1964-1967), Bandula Vithanage (1965-1972), Mahinda Ranasinghe (1966-1968), Gamini Jayasekera(1967-1969), Shervon Fernando,(1979-1986), Rohan Jayatilaka , Dr.Lakshman Ranasingh, Ajith De Silva , Lakshman Seneviratne, Parakum Attapattu, Upali Perera , Brdg. Chandra Kottahatchi, Jayantha De Silva and a few others.

The arrangements made, the Music provided by a lively Band and the Food laid out were all excellent. Acceding to popular demand, Lakshman Seneviratne once again gave a superb rendition of Baila in his smooth velvety voice to keep the guests entertained and enticing them to dance. Mahen Ranasinghe, Senior Vice President of the OBA, needed no persuasion to climb the Bandstand and give his own brand of song. A very enjoyable evening was had by all apart from the much looked forward to Fellowship by the majority of Old Boys attending who belonged to a particular era at College. The main topic of discussion was of course recent developments at College and the upcoming AGM of the OBA and Re-Union of Old Boys at Guru during the weekend 15th -17th February, in respect of which Mahen Ranasinghe expects a record turnout in view of the fact that he is tirelessly making every effort to ensure that the weekend is a grand success to enable Old Boys to have a good time.



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