GALLERY OF EVENTS - Ex-Co Meeting at Guru - June 2002

Rizvi and LJ at Mahaweli Reach. on the way to Guru
Wanni, LJ and Jabir at Orient Bandarawela on the way to Guru
The DJ provides music for the boys at Foster Hall
Jabir assists the DJ
The boys have fun
More fun
Still more fun
The champion dancer
Dancing continues
Before the swimming display
The display has began
Donation of equipment for life saving and swimming – Mahen
Dr.Chinthaka Rupasinghe
The boys thank the Old Boys
The boys thank the Old Boys
The boys thank the Old Boys
Students Health Chart being filled up by the Doctors
Checking the Height
Ruwan helps testing of Eye sight
and the Weight
Dr examines a student
Dr.Chinthanka examines a student
The Dental Surgeon has a look
The Indian Software Boys courtesy of “Avery” through Rizvi
Jabir, Sarath,.................., and Wanni
Just before departure – Rizvi, HM, Sunil, Duleep, Bandu, Gamini
Returning from Guru Rizvi

The Ex-Co held its first meeting at Gurutalawa on June, 15,2002 since the earlier two were at Colombo. This practice is expected in the future too – that every 3rd meeting of the Ex-Co to be at Gurutalawa. The occasion was utilized to have a few innovative items. These included a Life Saving display after which Life Savings and Swimming equipment were presented; presentation of a large volume of books to the Library procured from Asia Foundation and elsewhere; donation of sports equipment for Hockey, Rugger, Basket Ball etc: Donation of individual desks and chairs for 02 class rooms in replacement of tables and benches without back support which were used since the 1950s; Landscaping of the gardens immediately below the Senior Dorms and the Swimming Pool etc;. providing a new roof for the senior dorms after a complete rehabilitation and refurbishment; providing an evening of music and dancing for children aged 5-16 by means of Disc Jockeys from Colombo etc; commencement of the rehabilitation and refurbishment of the Squash, Badminton and Basket Ball Courts. Having a Health Camp with 06 Medical Practitioners including Old Boys to provide Dental, Eye and general medical attention to all students, staff ,minor staff and their families.

OBA Newsletter No.2
July 17,2002

Free Health Camp

A free Health Camp was organized on the occasion of the last Meeting of the Ex-Co at Gurutalawa which benefited all the residents on the Camps including the students, members of the tutorial and administration staff apart from the minor staff and all their families.

Musical Evening.

The occasion was also utilized to provide a musical evening by engaging a Disc Jockey for the entertainment starved students in the boarding which was greatly appreciated by them.

Newsletter No.3
October 03,2002


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