GALLERY OF EVENTS - Fr. Mervyn’s Visit to Guru


Enjoing a cup of tea at the dining hall - Fr.Mervyn and Tharu
. …….Fr.Nihal Fernando, Fr.Mervyn, Tharu & Mahen
The Headmaster, Fr.Nihal, Fr.Mervyn & Tharu
Tharu takes a walk with Mahen to check on BIO Gas Project
Upper sixth formers with their new class room furniture

Previous minutes of Ex-Co Meetings have referred on several occasions to the Subodhi Movement founded by Fr. Mervyn Fernando and the idea of requesting him to conduct some courses in College for the benefit of the students and perhaps others. As this has not got off the ground we have spoken to Fr.Mervyn Fernndo who is prepared to look in to the matter after visiting the college and seeing at first hand the ground situation. For this purpose we have requested the Headmaster to inform us when he will be free in Colombo so that we can arrange a meeting for him with Fr.Mervyn Fernando in Colombo in the first instance to finalise details.

Newsletter No.3
October 03,2002

We were successful in taking Fr. Dr. Mervyn Fernando of the Subodhi Institute to Gurutalawa on October, 31st 2002 on the invitation of the Headmaster. The Chaplain Rev. Nihal Fernando was also known to him. Fr. Mervyn Fernando spent a good part of the day in discussion with the two of them. He also inspected the entire Campus and the facilities available including the dormitories, classrooms, dining hall, pantry, kitchen, sports areas, gardens etc. He gave his advice and suggestions to the Headmaster and the Chaplain before he left Gurutalawa that evening. He has followed this up with a Report which has been handed over to the Headmaster. It is hoped to have the programmes for the students and the teachers in early January in consultation with the Headmaster.

Newsletter No.4
January 01,2003

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