GALLERY OF EVENTS - Lighting For The Chapel


The Lectern with the light fixed

Rev. Nihal Fernando at the Lectern



Mr.John de Vos is an Old Boy of Guru during the time of Dr.Hayman and Fr.Foster. He had been taught by Mr.P S Duleepkumar, Mr.Bradman Weerakoon, Mr.Gerald de Alwis et al. Mr.De Vos is now resident in Victoria, Australia. He is yet another Old Boy who was "introduced" to the OBA by one of our active members Down Under, Mr.Ananda Jayasinghe who is a Solicitor resident in Melbourne. Perhaps Mr.De Vos may have been conveyed Dr. Hayman's exhortation on the day the OBA was inaugurated in 1959 "………..If you can help us, even if only in a small way, you will be doing something to hand on to others the sort of education that you yourselves enjoyed and to see that your successors in the school are better provided for than you were"

Mr.De Vos had mentioned to us in a letter he wrote in February, 2003 that he could not read the lessons from the pulpit/lectern in the Chapel due to there being insufficient lighting and recommended the installation of a reading light on the pulpit/lectern. He says he made this point to Fr.Foster while he was there.
Mr.De Vos had sent a donation primarily to be used for this purpose.

We ourselves examined this area of the Chapel with the current Chaplain Fr.Nihal Fernando and the Secretary of the OBA Mr.Mahen Ranasinghe. After discussion it was decided that the appropriate course of action would be to provide a reading lamp with a suitable clamp fixing it to the lectern. This has now been done.

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