GALLERY OF EVENTS - Mahen's Visit to Mr. George Pillai in LA, USA - August 2008

Mahen’s Visit to Mr. George Pillai formely of the Staff of STCG

Mahen Ranasinghe Senior Vice President of the STCG OBA whilst on holiday in the USA took time to pay his Old Guru Mr. George Pillai who is presently residing in Lake Forest, LA, a visit. We place below some images taken on that visit. We also place below an email sent by Mr. Pillai to Mahen which is very emotional and moving. Mr. Pillai was the Master in Charge of Boxing, Scouting and Football. He also taught Mathematics. - LJ

Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2008 21:22:02 -0700
Subject: Exciting visit

My wife and I along with our daughter wish to express our sincere thanks for the gracious manner in which you showed your appreciation to a teacher who was fortunate to touch your life, nearly fifty years ago. It was very nice to meet with you and go back to those years-very formative for you- and rewarding for me. I am indeed proud of your achievements in life.We were also happy to meet your daughter. She had all the qualities one expects from a daughter and we were indeed much taken up by her unassuming, charming manner. I am sure your older daughter would also be like her and hope that we may also be able to meet her sometime in the future.

Your skills, besides your professional skills, speak volumes about you. We enjoyed the freshly baked 'hoppers' and also the excellent curries, sambol and wade. I know the amount of time and effort you put in to come over and demonstrate your esteem for a person who was responsible for moulding your life nearly half a century ago.

I have spoken to my sister and brother-in-law about your visit. Unfortunately, they were away in San Francisco during your visit otherwise you would have been able to meet them. I also informed my sister in Brisbane, Australia about the great surprise on 'Labor Day' when you visited us. My nephew, Rohan Chinivasagam also lives in Brisbane. I also described your visit to him and also to his sister.

We are going to keep in touch and I know you have put your heart and soul to keep the STCG Flag flying, as it did during our time. This may be an impossible task, but, one can always say, " I tried".

Thank you very much. Your visit was very rewarding and I will always treasure it.
George Pillai


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