GALLERY OF EVENTS - Nilaweera Wedding - 30 August 2008

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Shalini (daughter of Harish Nilaweera who was at Guru with us from 1958-1962) married Keir Halcomb in accordance with the Traditional Poruwa ceremony and a Dinner at the Grand Ballroom Galle Face Hotel on August 30,2008.

A strong contingent of close relatives and friends of the couple were present from UK, and Australia. Nothing had been spared to make the celebrations unique and unforgettable.

We place these images on our site particularly because apart from Harish, his 07 brothers, Anura, Tilak, Nihal, Kamal, Lal, Lalith and Dilip, not to mention Tharake ,the son of Nihal, all had the major part of their education at Guru. According to Harish it was the BEST part of their education. It would be appropriate to refer to them as a unique family having ties with Guru.

Anura-(R.A.W.) (1956-1961) - is an Engineer. Was in the Steel Industry and worked at The Steel Corporation. He is now in the private sector.

Tilak, (R. T.W.) (1957-1963)
- did a stint in Marketting and left for Melbourne- Australia where he runs Care Homes for the elderly.

Nihal, (R.N.W.) (1957-1961) - has retired as a Senior Planter presently a Director of Malwatta Valley Plantations PLC. He also held the position of Director – P M M D, Ministry of Plantation Industry.

Harish, (R.H.W) (1958-1962) -practiced as a Lawyer in Sri Lanka and is now a Solicitor in London running a Legal Firm under the name of Carpenter & Co. Harish has been a strong supporter of all our activities aimed at the revival, upliftment and development of the College.

Kamal, (R.K.W) (1959-1964) -is engaged in the Telecommunication Industry in UK. Kamal has for long years played an active role in the affairs of the OTAUK not to mention the STCG OBA of Sri Lanka. He has also worked very closely with the Headmasters at Gurutalawa offering invaluable assistance to the College and to young fellow Thomians.

Buddhilal, (R.B.W) (1964-1969) - The All Round Boy at Guru in 1968. He is a Civil Engineer, who graduated with a MSc. from AIT Bangkok. Was closely associated with the construction of the recently opened Bridge at Arugam Bay.

Dilip,(R.D.W) (1966-1971) - is also an Engineer working for the London Borough of Ealing. He is also a graduate of Sussex University where her was the President of the Student Union.

Lalith, (R.L.W) (1971-1976) - The Head Prefect at Guru in 1976; is Managing the Family Estate at Koslanda.

Tharake (1983-1990) - was a School Prefect at Guru. He represented College in 8 Games; winning his colours in five of them. He Captained in Tennis, Basketball, Badminton and Hockey. Furthermore Tharake had equalled his father’s record at STC Mt., by representing Guru in 8 Games and winning his colours in five of them. He is a Senior Tea Executive in a Tea Brokering Firm.

Tilak Nilaweera and Punchi Senaratne
Harish Nilaweera, Tilak & Punchi
Sanath Jayatilaka & Mohan Ratwatte – Lawyers who practiced with Harish at the Badulla Bar
Dr. & Mrs. Wignesvaran

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