GALLERY OF EVENTS - OBA AGM and Re-Union Feb 1997


Report of the Honorary Secretary for the year ended 31st December 1996.

I am pleased to present to you the report of the Association for the period 1st January 1996 to 31st December 1996.


PATRON: Warden S’ Thomas’ College Mount Lavinia –

PRESIDENT: Mr. Colin Ratnayake- Headmaster S’Thomas’ College Gurutalawa

VICE PRESIDENTS: Mr. C S Ratwatte- Senior Vice President
Mr. Lucien Fernando
Mr. Upali Gunaratne
Mr. Upali Panditharatne
Mr. Arthur Perera

SECRETARY: Mr. S.Rajatilekam

ASST. SECRETARY: Mr. C N Jayawardena

TREASURER: Mr. T D M Gnanaraj


Mr. Sisira Nanayakara
Mr. Janinda Welegama
Mr. P H P de Silva
Mr. Rizal Subian
Mr. S W Kaluarachchi
Mr. Delano Sally
Mr. Ranjith Gunaratne
Mr. M D M Vazeer
Mr. M P D Perera
Mr. T D S Jayasinghe
Mr. Rizwie Jaleel
Mr. Upali Abeywickrema
Mr.Bandula Vithanage
Mr. Buddhika Kurukularatne
Mr. Shervon Fernando


The Executive Committee met on eleven occasions during the period under review. The Ex-Co as required by the constitution convened a meeting immediately after prize giving on the 14th of September 1996 at Headmaster’s bungalow.

The Old Boys Reunion was scheduled for the third week in February and the 36th Annual General Meeting was convened on Saturday 24th February 1996 at 6.00 p.m. at Foster Memorial Hall.

New Members

The following old boys of the College were enrolled as members of the OBA during 1996.

Mr. U R B S Bandaranayake
Mr. C M Walisinghe
Mr. R M Walisinghe
Mr. R S Ahamed
Mr. M P Vedamanikkam
Mr. V Kumaravelu
Mr. K Rajendran
Mr. A C M Imtiyas
Mr B S R Fernando
Mr. M P D Perera
Mr. A R A Mawahib
Mr S K Kulasingham

We welcome them and look forward to their active participation in the affairs of the OBA.


I record with deep sorrow the deaths of Mr. M L J Wickremeratne, Mr. Arthur Gunasekera, Mr.Felitus Cooray and Mr. W D Fonseka.

Old Boys Reunion

The Annual OBA Celebrations was held on 24th & 25th February 1996. After breakfast on the 24th the traditional cricket match was played against the present boys. Hockey match against the present boys was worked off in the evening. The 36th Annual General Meeting was held on the 24th evening at 6.00 p.m. at Canon A J Foster Memorial Hall followed by social and dinner.

The Programme for Sunday 25th February commenced with Holy Communion Service. After breakfast the Volley Basll Match against the domestic staff was played. Departure to Colombo was around 10.30 a.m. with a stop at Ratnapura for lunch.


The Annual Fellowship dinner was on Saturday the 5th of October 1996 at the Empire Ball Room Mount Lavinia Hotel. This event as in the past was a resounding success. A profit of Rs.136,688.50 was realized. The Organising Committee comprising of M/s Bandula Vithanage (Chairman), Upali Abeywickrema (Secretary), Upali Panditharatne, C N Jayawardena, J P Pieris and Rizal Subian should be congratulated for sparing no effort to make this event once again a resounding success.

I take this opportunity to thank-

(a) Mr. Shervon Fernando for handling /printing of tickets free of charge
(b) Mr. Srilal Wickremeratne for sponsoring the band.
(c) Those who helped in the collection of banner/donations
(d) Mr. Sisira Nanayakara for organizing the table decor.
(e) All others who helped in innumerable ways to make the event a resounding success.

The members of the OBA made use of the opportunity to felicitate Mr. J W Marasinghe for his long loyal and dedicated service to College.

The New Pantry/Dining Hall and Administrative Block

Despite having spent todate a sum of Rs. 3,086,608/= progress toward completion has been relatively slow. The infrastructure of this three storeyed building has been completed and the roof laid.

A letter of appeal giving details of funds required to complete this project has been mailed to members of S’ Thomas’ College Gurutalawa OBA. Contributions however small would be greatfully accepted.

Dr. R L Heyman/Canon A J Foster Scholarship Awards

During the course of the year Mr. Arthur Perera in conjunction with Headmaster Mr. Colin Ratnayake worked out the criteria for the award of above scholarships.

The criteria for award of these scholarships are given below.

(1) To be awarded in the results of the Government year five (V) scholarship examination to needy and deserving students.

(2) To students excelling in both studies and sports.

(3) Scholarship to include tution fees and full board.

(4) Tenable for five years-from lower fourth to upper sixth.

(5) Headmaster has the right to terminate the scholarship if in his opinion the students work or conduct is unsatisfactory.

(6) Funding by the OBA

Rs.50,000 per scholarship to be lodged in a bank fixed deposit earning a reasonable return. Any short fall on the cost to the subsidized by the school/any excess to be added to the fund.

(7) Scholarship to commence on 1st June 1997 after the results of the Government Grade V scholarship examination results are published.

The above criteria for the award of scholarships was considered at the Ex-Co meeting held on 31st October 1996 and unanimously accepted.


Grateful thanks to Headmaster, staff, present boys, domestic staff and all others who helped us in numerous ways to make the activities of OBA the success it has been. My sincere thanks to Mr.N Y Cassie Chetty Headmaster S’Thomas’ Prep School Kollupitiya for allowing STCG-OBA Ex-Co meetings to conduct its meetings in the College staff room and for provision of refreshments. His assistance and co-operation in this matter is deeply appreciated. I also record with thanks the support of the members of the Executive Committee which has enabled me to discharge my duties effectively as Secretary of the OBA. I take this opportunity to thank Mr. C S Ratwatte for providing refreshments, lunch at Balangoda for members of the Ex-Co and OBA who traveled to Gurutalawa by bus from Colombo for the Annual Old Boys Reunion.

In conclusion though the event does not come under the period under review it is with regret I announce the resignation of our Headmaster Mr.Colin Ratnayake. We understand that he has taken up an appointment in the Maldive Islands. We wish him well in his new appointment.

Proposed Arthur Perera
Seconded L W A Ferando




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