GALLERY OF EVENTS - OBA AGM and Re-Union Feb 2000

Headmaster's Report AGM 2000

The Report of the Hony. Secretary S.Thomas College Gurutalawa
OBA 40th Annual General Meeting for the year ended December 1999


I have the pleasure of presenting my report on the activities of the Old Boys Association of Gurutalawa for the period December 1999.


The Committee met on ten (10) occasions during the period under review. The 39th Annual General Meeting was held on 27th February 1999 at 7.00 p.m. at the Can on A.J. Foster Memorial Hall.

The Meeting was attended by 73 members who participated at the meeting.

Mr. Upalia Panditharatne Vice President deputised for the senior Vice President Mr.C.S.Ratwatte as he could not attend the meeting due to a family bereavement.

Office Bearers and Members of General Committee

Patron : Warden S.Thomas College Mt.Lavinia (Ex Officio)

President : Mr. L.A.M. Chandrasekera, Acting Headmaster S.T.C. Gurutalawa (Ex Officio) from February 1999 to 30th July 1999.

Mr. I.S.Alburn Fernando, Head Master STC Gurutalawa (Ex Officio) from August 1999.

Senior Vice President/ Manager : Mr. C.S. Ratwatte.

Vice Presidents : Mr. Arthur Perera
Mr. Upali Panditharatne
Mr. Nihal Wanniarachchi
Mr. T.D.M. Gnanaraj

Hony Secretary : Mr. Uapli Jayawardene

Hony. Asst.Secretary : Mr. S.Rajathilakam

Hony.Treasurer : Mr. Sunil Hanthi

Asst. Manager : Mr. Leslie Habaragoda until June ‘ 99 (Resigned)
Mr.Ananda Gallearachchi – Appointed with effect from 8th July 1999 as decided by the Exco and appointed by the Manager

General Committee : Mr.L.W.A.Fernando
Mr. Buddhika Kurukularatne
Mr. Ananda Gallearachchi
Mr. J.J. Rajakaruna
Mr.M.P.D. Perera
Mr. Bandula Kodituwakku
Mr. C.N. Jayawardhana
Mr. Upali Abeywickrema
Mr. P.J. Fernando
Mr. K.Rajendran
Mr.Tilak Jayasinghe
Mr.Shevon Fernando
Mr. S. Balakrishnan
Mr. Rizvi Jalil
Mr. M.C. Jayalal
Mr. T.Suresh Kumar

The main theme of the Meeting was to arrest the declining discipline within the school, and the concern of OBA Members as to the students leaving College, due to the poor management of the School. The members were reiterating the Exco members to take up the matter of getting a new Head Master with Lord Bishop.


The following Old Boys of the College were enrolled as members of the OBA during the year under review

Mr. Pubudu Wijesinghe
Mr.C.J. Fernando
Mr.Milton Fernando
Mr. E.T.Hewage
Mr.Bandu Kodituwakku
Mr. L.L.L.V.Lenaduwa
Mr. R.Maheswaran
Mr. L.S.Perera
Mr. M.A.S.Perera
Mr. M.L.U.C.Pinto
Mr. J.K.Rajapakse
Mr. P.Ravindran
Mr.W.M.A.B. Weerasekera
Mr.Jayantha Negendra

On behalf of the OBA I welcome our new members and look forward to their active participation in the affairs and to rally round the College.


It is with deep sorrow that I record the death of members of the OBA.

Mr. Pandu Kodituwakku
Mr.Mohan Gunasekera
Mr.Lal Kumarasinghe
Mr. J.E.M. Fernando

I also record the tragic death of Mr. Niel Dahanayake a very active member of the OBA.

I note with sadness the death of Mr. A.K.Chapman in Australia. A former Chemistry and Maths Master, House Master of Garnier House and Acting Head Master of College until retirement.

Old Boys Re-union

The Annual OBA Celebration was held on Friday the 26th of February 1999 to Saturday 28th February 1999. The traditional Old Boys Cricket Match was played against the Present Boys on the 27th . The Hockey Match the Old Boys versus Present Boys were played in the evening of 27th February.

The 39th Annual General Meeting was held on the 27th evening at 6.30 p.m. at Canon A.J.Foster Memorial Hall, followed by Old Boys re-union Dinner.

The programme for Sunday the 28th commenced with the customary Holy Communion Service, followed by Breakfast. The usual Volleyball Match between the Old Boys and the Domestic Staff were played after Breakfast, saw to the conclusion of the OBA Celebration after Lunch.

S.Thomas College Gurutalawa- OBA Annual Fellowship Dinner, Raffle Ticket Draw

The Annual Fellowship Dinner was held on 9th October 1999 at the Empire Ballroom of the Mt.Lavinia Hotel. The raffle ticket draw was also held during the dinner. Mr.Upali Abeywickrema and his team consisting of Mr.Upali Panditharatne, Mr.Sunil Hanthi, Mr.P.J.Fernando, Mr.Mano Gnanaraj, Mr. K.Rajendran, Mr.Shevon Fernando worked tirelessly to make the Fellowship Dinner a success. Congratulation to them. Mr. Nihal Wanniarachchi and his team consisting Mr.Sunil Hanthi, Mr. Bandula Kodituwakku, Mr.M.C.Jayalal and Mr. M.P.D.Perera are congratulated for the hard work.

A special word of thanks to Mr. Arthur Perera for collecting Rs.35,000/= from Ten Banners and Rs. 41,500/= by way of Donations the sale of 84 Dinner Tickets to the value of Rs. 63,000/= for organizing the Floor Show and obtaining 1st prize for the Raffle Ticket (Return Airline Ticket to Singapore)
Mr. Upali Panditharatne for compeering the show
Mr.M.D.M.Vazeer for sponsoring the printing of Dinner Tickets
Mr.Saroj Perera for sponsoring the Band
Mr. P.I.Pieris for donating 1000 Blue, Black and Blue Balloons.
Mr.C.S.Ratwatte for organizing liquor and Table Décor and Gifts for Raffle Draw.
Mr. Harry Jayawardene for donating liquor for the Fellowship Dinner
Mr.Pakiyanathan, Chairman, Palmyra Board for donating liquor
Mr. S.K.Wickremasinghe, Chairman, Sri Lanka Airways, A Return Air Ticket to Singapore worth Rs.25,000/=
Mr. Prakash and Mr.Kishin Butani of Butani Exports for donating a Singer V.C.R. Player worth Rs.15,000/=
Mr.Rajaseelan Gnanm, Managing Director St. Anthonys Group for donating 4 Rice Cookers Rs.13,000/=
Mr.Abeysekera Director Singer, Sri Lanka for donating a Rice Cooker worth Rs.5,000/=
Mr.Sanath Ranaweera of Saree Mandir for donating sarees worth Rs. 5000/=
Mr.Aminudeen, General Manager, Furgesom Industries for donating 2 dresses worth Rs.7,000/=
Mrs. Gnanaraj of Bearfoot donating a Saree worth Rs. 5,000/=
Mr.Palitha and Mr. Lal Edirisinghe of Edna Group for donating 2 Table Fans worth Rs.7,000/=
Mr.Rizvi Jalil for donating 500 STC Car stickers worth Rs.10,000/=


A word of thanks to all Committee Members who helped to make the Fellowship Dinner a success by getting Banners, Selling Tickets and helping to arrange the Hall.

Mr.Ananda Gallearachchi Asst. Manager in selecting a Contractor to complete the work in the Dinning Hall Project.

The Old Boys who helped the College by their donation by way of cash and materials.

Mr. Shevon Fernando for printing the Raffle ad Dinner Tickets

Mr. Tilak Jayasinghe for printing the Fund Raising Circular, Re-union Notice and Programme.

Mr. Lucian Fernando for arranging his Hotel to have the Committee Meeting and spending a weekend at a very special rate in June.

Many thanks to Mr. N.Y. Casichetty, Headmaster of STC Prep. School, Kollupitiya for making available the staff Room for STC Gurutalawa OBA Eco Meetings and refreshments provided. His co-operation and assistance is greatly appreciated.

Mr. Arthur Perera for arranging the Lunch Room of Chemanex Ltd for meeting when STC Prep School was not available for meetings.

Mr.C.S. Ratwatte for making available the Board Room of Sri Lanka Tea Board for meetings when needed and for the Raffle Draw presentation.

Mr. Upali Panditharatne for granting permission to use the Staff Room of Mansel Ltd for OBA meetings in December 1999.

I would like to thank the Advisory Committee consisting of Mr. Arthor Perera, Mr. Upali Panditharatne, Mr. Sunil Hanthi and Mr. Mano Gnanaraj for their valuable advice. Mr.K.Rajendran, Mr.P.J.Fernando, Mr. S.Balakirshnan, Mr. Rizvi Jalil, Mr. Shevon Fernando and S.W. Kaluarachchi for drawing in new members for the OBA.

I would like to thank Headmaster, Staff, Present Boys, domestic Staff and all others who have helped in numerous ways in making the activities of the OBA a success it has been.

Finally, I take this opportunity to say grateful thanks to Mr. C.S.Ratwatte, Manager/ Member of the Board of Governors and Mr. Ronnie Weerakoon representative of the OBA at the Board of Governors who has always fought for justice and fair play towards the S.Thomas College Gurutalawa against many obstacles faced.




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