GALLERY OF EVENTS - OBA AGM and Re-Union March 2002


At the Haputale Rest House – Sarath, Jabir, Krishantha, Palitha, Jayantha & Sunil
Rizvi and Sarath at Golf Club
Sunil and Sarath
PJ, Nihal Wanni & Sunil
Old Boys led by Sarath during the walkabout at Keble
A note of thanks to Old Boys outside De Saram Junior
Mahipala Surveys the pool area
Anilal about to take the plunge

Vehicles of Old Boys at the grounds of the Cricket Match
Sarath & Rizvi outside the Heritage Hotel at Nuwara Eliya After The AGM

Returning from Guru - Sarath at Ginigathhena


The AGM & Re-Union March 2002

The 42nd AGM of the OBA of S.Thomas' College, Gurutalawa and Annual Re-Union of Old Boys was held during the week end, i.e Friday, March 01,2002 to 3rd March 2002. Traditionally these 2 events are combined during the same week-end, normally the 3rd week end in February each year. This year due to a religious festival which coincided the events were put off until early MarchMuch interest had been generated during the year as our Group which had watched the situation in 1999,2000 and 2001 had decided that a change in the Ex-Co was called for as there had been a failure to give heed to reasonable requests about urgent changes required in College and in the OBA. This interest climaxed in the last 3 - 4 weeks immediately prior to the AGM and it appeared that a contest may be forced if the out-going Ex-Co failed to give way to enable our nominees to take over.

Various activities did take place behind the scenes in the run-up. Feverish counting of heads went on during the Re-Union week end overshadowing the festivities associated even with the cricket match in the grounds and even thereafter until evening in and around the Junior Dormitory Complex.

The AGM and Re-Union were therefore overshadowed by some tense and anxious moments all-round. As the new Head Master himself admitted he too was feeling the excitement and nervousness as he presided at his 1st A G M a situation which should have been best avoided if the more experienced and mature amongst the OBA who should have known better had acted differently.

Eventually no contest was offered although unfortunately some ill-will which had generated prevented the Fellowship and the Dinner to go through in the traditional manner.

It is sincerely hoped that wiser counsel will prevail now that the dust has settled and the hand of friendship offered will be clasped in the same spirit so that all Old Boys could get together and work for the betterment of the Association and the College.
It was unfortunate that the planned discussion with some Members of the Tutorial Staff could not take place. However, the walk-about was executed and the benefits of that event have superseded all previous development work at Guru to justify same.

The entire Campus was filmed on video by a professional cameraman.
Owing to the unprecedented attendance of Old Boys at the Re-Union this year, there was a huge parking problem.

Annual General Meeting of the Association and the Annual Re-Union of Old Boys were held at Gurutalawa during the week end Friday March 01,2002 to Sunday March 03.2002. Although the Cricket Match was played and the heat was cooled off in the Swimming Pool no other sports Activities took place. The New Dining Hall was also ceremonially opened and the Traditional Dinner (after the AGM and Fellowship) was held therein. The OBA and the College owe a lot to the small team of Old Boys led by Mr.Jayantha Hanthi and Mr.P.H.P. De Silva who undertook and completed this Project (which had stalled) by spending much time, effort, energy and money. Their dedication and loyalty to the school will remain a silent testimony to be emulated by future generations of Thomians.

OBA News Letter No.1 - May 30,2002

Headmaster's Report AGM 2002

Secretary's Report AGM 2002

Minutes of AGM 2002

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