GALLERY OF EVENTS - Over 50s Royal-Thomian in Sydney, Australia Feb 10th 2008


From left to right: Randolph Morrell, Graham Masefield, Vimal Jayanetti,
Shaan Ching, Lasantha Pieris, Ananda Amaranath, Palitha Wanduragala,
Eksath Perera, Derek Bolling, Rehan Abeykoon, S.Prahalath.

Our friend Ana Amaranath from Sydney has sent the above image and note regarding the Over 50’s Royal – Thomian Cricket Match played in Sydney – Australia on Feb 10th 2008. The author of the Note is Milroy Berenger who was in Miller B in or about 1963 when our contemporaries migrated to Mount from Guru.
We place it on our Site for the benefit of interested visitors

The over fifties Royal Thomain match in Sydney Australia – Feb 10th 2008

This year the match in Sydney had a special flavour to it as it was played for the Mabel Morrell challenge trophy donated by Imitiaz Issadeen (OZ Lanka - www) a noble son of S Thomas College and one of the most colourful personalities that graced the Thomian tent in the sixties. Mabel Olive Morrell who passed away, at the tender age of 101 years and nine months, on January 11th 2008 in Sydney, was the College sick room matron who had served generations of Thomians from 1942 – 1967; a tenure of 25 years filled with understanding, kindness, compassion and care. So much so that Thomians, particularly boarders, often referred to Mrs Morrell as a second mother. The Thomian team this year was captained by Ananda Amaranath and Royal was captained by Prasanna Kariyawasam.

February 2008 has been a wet summer in Sydney. The long drought on the Australian eastern seaboard has been broken by spells of relentless rain with flash floods and storms. Scheduling the match was a challenge. We needed a bright sunny day and a ground that was not water logged. Our tireless organisers led by Ananda Amaranath (AD if you were in Miller House in the sixties) managed to book the picturesque oval at Cheltenham in NSW. It was hidden amongst the suburbs that make up the upper north shore in Sydney. Play commenced at 12.30 AEST. To the Royal & STC organisers credit, the respective OBAs in NSW and the attendees a fun time was had by all. The cater provided a good mix of food that fed the taste buds of the prim and proper while the traditional ‘rice packet’ came disguised in a Chinese fast food container and did a great job to re-energise tired bodies and cramping muscles.

Tradition, tradition, tradition that is what this cricket match is all about it has nothing to do with winning or losing. It is a day for merriment, sitting back, watching a bit of play, meeting old friends and swapping stories. The fact that it is played annually in Sydney, Melbourne, Colombo, Dubai, London, Toronto, New York and Los Angles is a testimony to the passion that drives old Royalists and Thomians to relive their school days. However, nothing happens without a structure and due form. In this regard those old boys who elect to serve on the respective OBA committees around the world on a voluntary basis are to be saluted for their dedicated generosity. At the end of the match due form was adhered to in keeping with the best traditions of the sporting rivals.

Major Award Winners:

•Best Batsman - Rajkumar Karunairatnam ( RC )
•Best Bowler - Vimal Jayanetti ( STC )
•Best Fielder - Shan Ching ( STC )
•Man of the Match - Randy Morrell ( STC )

Winners: STC

Many thanks to Indrakumar Jayawardena & Charuka Abhayawickrema for doing the scoring.

Many thanks to Damayanthi Kariyawasam for organising & running the food stall.

Results of the match:

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