GALLERY OF EVENTS - Prize Giving 2003

A write up of this event with images is also available
The Band in preparation
The Chief Guest & Mrs. Mahipala being escorted by the Headmaster from his bungalow
Guard of Honor for the Chief Guest
Wanni & Duleep
Duleep & Wanni at the entrance to the Hall
Duleep & Wanni seated in the hall await the official procession
Junior students in Foster Hall
The Chief Guest is welcomed by Students of Keble
The College Band in attendance
The chief guest about to be introduced to the staff
The Chief Guest is introduced to the Staff (01)
. The Chief Guest is introduced to the Staff (02)
The Headmaster escorts the Chief Guest through the Hall
The Chief Guest lights the oil lamp
Mrs Mahipala lights the oil lamp
Fr Nihal lights the oil lamp
A former Headmaster Alban Fernando
The Kandyan Dancers play with fire
The oriental dancers give an item
The Headmaster makes the welcome speech & presents his Report
The Chief Guest addresses the gathering.
The Chief Guest gives away a Prize to a Senior Thomian Girl
Another prize is won by a girl
Mrs.Mahipala giving away a prize (01)
Mrs.Mahipala giving away a prize (02)
Mrs.Mahipala giving away a prize (03)
Mahen proposing the vote of Thanks on behalf of the OBA
The Head Prefect seconds the Vote of Thanks.
The choir presented by Fr.Nihal Fernando
Three items (in .mp3 format) by the College Choir trained by Rev. Nihal Fernando - Track 1, Track 2 and Track 3
Old Boys in their Retreat– Wanni, Wimale , Mahen & Duleep
Old Boys in their Retreat– Wanni, LJ, Mahen & Duleep
Old Boys in their Retreat– Wanni, LJ , Mahen & Duleep


Chief Guest,
Mr.B.A.Mahipala does not need any introduction. He has been as old boy of S.Thomas’ Preparatory School Kollupitiya and St. Thomas’College Gurutalawa and completed his studies at S. Thomas’ College Mount Lavinia. If we examine the last three decades I’m sure Mr.Mahipala has given back to his Alma Mater more than his fair share in contributions, monetary and otherwise. He refurbished the senior dormitory where over 100 students are currently housed. The school is ever grateful for his goodness loyalty and generosity. We are aware of his great father Mr. Semanaris Appuhamy who was a well-known philanthropist from Homagama. The saying goes that “good trees brings forth good fruit” Mr.Mahipala you are a shining example to this.

Mr. Mahipala entered the University of Peradeniya and obtained a degree in Mechanical Engineering and gained work experience in Organizations such as Ceylon Plywood Corporation, Ceylon Insurance Cooperation, and started his own venture initially importing commercial vehicles and machinery to Sri Lanka. By 1980 realizing that the creation of wealth within the country was more important for national development Mr. Mahipala started export oriented manufacturing operations, initially in the Garment sector later diversified into manufacturing of plastic flexible packing materials and Diamond Industry. His business enterprised are well known as the BMA Group subsequently ventured in to providing training in information technology & bottling of mineral water. Operations expanded steadily and in 2001 established a plant in Madagascar. Today the BMA Group is a 2000 million rupee entity creating employment opportunities far in excess of 3000 beneficiaries in Sri Lanka and another 500 in Madagascar. In recognition of Mr. Mahipala’s contribution to Madagascar the government of Madagascar appointed him the Honorary Consul for Madagascar in Sri Lanka.

In the year 2003 the school commenced English medium classes for grade 6 students. Today a student has the option of studying in any of the three media Sinhala, Tamil or English at Gurutalawa. The school has taken steps to improve English standards by introducing elocution classes and special English classes conducted over weekends. The school has also taken steps to improve English standards by introducing elocution classes and special English classes conducted over weekends. The school has also taken steps to help the students by arranging special classes in mathematics and science during the after school hours. In 2002 the G.C.E. ordinary level results were better than the previous two years and we trust this year’s results will be even better than 2002. We have also started Computer Classes, which will become a basic necessity in life.


Mr. B.A. Mahipala in his address to the gathering, deplored the decline in standards of discipline and emphasized its importance for the good name of the School apart from its value as an essential part in the educational process.

Introducing a touch of humor he recalled a prize giving when he was a Student in College and the friend sitting next to him, nudged him to alert him to a nice ‘bit’ who was present. When he looked round, he found it was his sister; much to his friends embarrassment when he told him.
Mr. Mahipala also advised the boys that they should desist from damaging College property, and on the contrary look after what was to their benefit as they were major stakeholders in the Thomian enterprise that was Gurutalawa. They should behave and keep the School so that every one would be proud of it.

( Ed. This had reference to the Headmaster informing the Committee that a Student had damaged the plaster of the wall by the corridor leading up to the sick room. He mentioned that this kind of behavior was not generalized and that necessary action had been taken to recover the cost of repairs.Its significance is heightened by the fact that Mahi himself had spent a King’s ransom on redoing the entire Senior Dormitory Block).

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