GALLERY OF EVENTS - Refurbishment of Junior Dorms Dec 2001

A write up of this event is also available

Refurbishment (01)
Refurbishment (02)
Refurbishment (03)



a. The painting of the Junior Dormitories was undertaken by
members of our Group in February-March, 2001 by a letter dated March 15, 2001 addressed to the then Headmaster with copy to the Secretary of the OBA.

b. The new Headmaster who had unearthed our letter of March 15,2001 while going through his files wrote to us direct, a letter dated November 16, 2001 requesting that we initiate the project. We answered his call and promptly responded and after discussion with him, undertook to attend to same during the December vacation.

c. The painting commenced on December 21, 2001 having first delivered the paints and materials that were donated to College, and obtaining proper documentation. Additional paints that were required were purchased from Welimada.

d. We engaged 13 professionally skilled painters from Colombo through the good offices of a well-known Chartered Architect. The painters were given accommodation and food by the Head Master which avoided undue delay in the accomplishment of the work. The workmen’s food bill was settled by us and subsequently deducted from their labour charges. It was possible to attend to minor repairs, eg. replacement of glass window panes, minor carpentry and masonry work and the painting of the ceiling, walls, windows and door frames and sashes as well as the grills of the De Saram, Garnier and Reid (Junior Dormitories) and their night toilets. Necessary repairs were also effected to the asbestos roof which was found to be leaking, in some places. Work was hampered due to the very bad condition of the dorms and also bad weather. It was observed that grills of windows had been forcibly broken, removed and vandalized in general. It was not possible to attend to the Foster Dorm (Formerly known as Winchester), because of the very bad condition of the ceiling as well as the walls etc. which needed special carpentry and masonry work. This Dorm will have to be done later, separately. Work was concluded on December 26, 2001. The Dorms were handed over and the workmen left the College premises that evening.

e. Young Old Boys Mr. M.N.M. Faizam, Mr.Mohamed Asnaf, Mr. Mohamed Illiyas, Mr.Prabath Jayasundera and Mr.Chammika Thushara made very generous contributions in cash and paints. A few of our Members too contributed in cash and kind. The work was supervised by two of our members who took lodging close by.

f. Approximately 20 litres of Paint with the used Paint Brushes were left in the Head-Master’s custody for use in future projects. A sum of Rs. 5311/37 was left over at the completion of the painting. A sum of Rs 3217/50 was paid out of this balance to John Keells Office Automation (Pvt) Ltd for the repair and service of the College Fax Machine which had not been working for several months and which we got down to Colombo for attention. A further sum of Rs.150/- was expended for the Fax Paper. The balance sum of Rs.1943/87 is available for use in future projects. The only Printer available in College for their computers, which had also ceased to function, was also got down and attended to by us without any charge. These 02 machines were thereafter delivered to the Headmaster to be put back to use.
g. A Statement of Account was made available to every Old Boy who assisted in cash or kind (and also the Headmaster, for his information) within one week of the completion of the Project.

h. The originals of all invoices, receipts, delivery orders etc. are filed separately and retained at the Secretariat available for inspection by any of our friends who made generous contributions.

i. The work was executed under the overall personal supervision of Mr. Rizvi Jalill Vice President, OBA.

j. Meanwhile our letter of March 15, 2001( together with various other proposals made by us in writing on the same day) has been bandied up and down at Meetings of the Ex-Co upto November, 2001 and was to be taken up at the Ex-Co meeting November 28, 2001 by appointing a sub-committee to go into same. Meanwhile we are yet to be enlightened by our OBA and its Ex-Co as to whether and when they hope to consider and appoint a sub-committee to go ahead with the painting of the Junior Dormitories and the several other matters. If one requires a lesson in vacillation or dilatory tactics the Ex-Co of our OBA is amply competent to provide same.

Extract from 62’ Group News Letter No. 4

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