GALLERY OF EVENTS - Old Thomians Inter-Collegiate Batch Soft Ball Cricket Sixes Carnival - 6th September 2008

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The above event organized by the STC Mt. Lavinia Class of 1990 took place on Saturday, 06th September-2008. Elaborate arrangements had been made to make the Inaugural Tournament a resounding success.

Up to 36 teams could take part. Teams from STC Mt, Bandarawela, STPS- Kollupitiya and Gurutalawa had registered.

The Tournament was played off on a league format at the “Big Club” Grounds at Mt. Lavinia. 04 matches were being worked off simultaneously. Parking for vehicles was available at the “Small Club” Grounds.

As expected the event was exciting and fun for the whole family. Apart from the cricket there were antique cars, new vehicle promotions, bouncers, pony rides, foot-rub & head massages, Tigo- promotion, food and drink stalls by Keells, Elephant House, Perera & Sons, Health Check by Appollo Hospitals, 04 or 05 papara-bands, and D J music. Cheer Leaders were very much in attendance, weaving in and out of each area of play accompanied by their Band, and off and on, offering to bat to add a touch of humour and hilarity to the day’s proceedings.

Many prizes were on offer on a Raffle Draw. Trophies were to be presented to the Winning Team, Runners –Up and the Man of the Tournament.

There were 04 teams from Gurutalawa. The Guru Teams did well and perhaps one of their teams had the oldest Old Boys participating, namely those that left Guru in 1962. The ’95 Group was present in large numbers to add spirit and colour and also cheer the Guru Teams.

The proceeds from the event were to be appropriated towards the renovation and re-construction of the Pavilion and Tuck-Shop at STC- Mt Lavinia.

Despite the intermittent rain it was a great day and all had their share of fun. The event was very well organized and afforded a great opportunity for the Thomian fraternity of all 04 Branch Schools to interact and enjoy a carnival of camaraderie and celebration.

An Invitation for the Cricket Carnival

Just a few more days and the Old Thomians will be at it again! This time it’s a Cricket Carnival at the Big Club Grounds on Saturday the 6th of September.

There are already 32 Old Boy Batch teams registered for the Soft Ball Sixes which will be played in a league format. Thomian class groups spanning 5 decades are playing each other for the honour of some serious bragging rights and to walk away with the Challenge trophies. Although the focus will be on 4 exciting matches playing simultaneously, there is a lot more activity for your family as well. Not to worry, the event’s organizing Class of 1990 have ensured everyone will be entertained in a Vibrant Carnival Mood.

There will be bouncers, party trains, games, face painting and pony rides, fairground games of skill, including a shooting gallery and a water dunk, antique cars, boats, and other fun stuff for children of all ages.

For you old boys and your better halves there is a promise of unbounded fun and frolic with DJ music and a request stall to bring back some nostalgia. Also Papare Bands with friendly Cheer leaders to lead your kaawadii dance. For the weary a relaxing foot rub and massage courtesy the principle sponsors TIGO who have also lined up other fun stuff under their sleeve.

John Keels Elephant House and Perera & Sons will be there selling delicious short eats, breakfast and lunch along with the essential soft drinks, bites and ice. Good ole Karti, and the Acharu / Annasi Amme will also be there.

Laughs will conduct emission testing for your vehicle whilst Apolo will conduct free health checks on you. The event organizing committee will however not take responsibility for the quality and outcome of these reports as we are fairly sure we had no control on what you did before this event! However, we will be happy to have Kodak take your picture with you batch mates and / or your family.

Raffle tickets with some super prizes will be available for those who want to chance their luck. No matter if you don’t win as all proceeds from this day will go towards the renovation and restoration of the College Tuck-shop and Pavilion.

You too may want to be involved in this chapter of Thomian history and make a donation as an individual or a group in the register that will be eventually displayed in the restored pavilion. So bring your cheque book along.

In any case the Cricket Carnival promises to be fantastic fun for all so make sure you and your family are there! Saturday the 6th of September from 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Free Parking at the Small Club Grounds.

Our Media Sponsors Yes FM & MTV have ensured that Thomians Young & Old from Near and Far will gather in their numbers. Don’t miss it for the World.

Esto Perpetua



1. Each team will consist of 06 players who are old Thomians
2. 04 balls per over with 05 overs per side
3. Each wide/no-ball = 4 runs and no extra ball. However, extra runs scored off a no-ball/ wide will be added to the runs
4. Last ball of an innings wide/no-ball will have to be re-bowled plus 04 runs and any extra runs scored off such no-ball/ wide will be added to the runs.
5. In case of a tie, a toss of the coin will decide the winner.
6. The Keeper cannot be replaced during the match and the Keeper cannot bowl
7. The tournament will commence at 8a.m. Teams will have to be present on time, if not, opposing team will get a walk over.
8. If 02 teams have equal wins in a group, a toss of a coin will decide the winner. If more than 02 teams have equal wins in a group, the winner will be decided by drawing lots.
9. The winner of each group will proceed to the quarter final.
10. In case of bad weather or for any other reason whatsoever, the Organizing Committee has the absolute right to re-format the rules and the conduct of the tournament.

Organizing Committee

The Matches have started – a slight drizzle prevails
The matches continue
Sumedha Perera – STC OBA Cricket Captain shakes a leg
The Cheer Leaders with their Band
Mahen Ranasinghe Senior Vice President STCG OBA & Sundaraj
Dinusha de Costa, Moorthi & Sumedha Perera outside Guru Tent
Members of the Guru 1990 Group
The kids enjoy .....
Mahen rejuvenates himself with Saman and Ananda Galearachi at the Bar
Graffiti - A different kind of Bar
kids enjoy themselves on the Bouncer
One of the Papara Bands
The Cricket continues ….
The Tigo Promotion Girls
Another Papara Band
One of the colorful T-Shirts
The Trophies to be won
The Announcer
The DJ
The Cricket continues
Nihal Wanni in high spirits early morning …. finds fielding difficult
Ara Sixer
Mahen about to be guilty of a “bokku”
….. Sumedha Perera and Nihal Wanni
Mahen Ranasinghe, Ananda Galearachi & Nihal Wanni
The Cheer Leaders accompanied by their Band
.... and a member of their Fan Club
The Cheer Leaders continue
Another colorful T- Shirt from Guru
Ananda Galearachi, Sundaraj, Ravi, Mahavaduge and Ajith Sirisena who Captained the Guru 75 Team
Moorthi , Nihal Wanni , Ananda Galearachi & Mahavaduge
The Cheer Leaders encroach to give moral support
….. and one of them offers to bat
The Band accompany the Cheer Leaders


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