GALLERY OF EVENTS - Visit To Guru For Ex-Co Meeting On May 10,2008

As previously we set out below interesting images of our Trip to Guru to attend the above Meeting. We are fortunate that most places we stop over or find accommodation in are very pleasing to the eye. These images are in addition to images of our previous visits.
View of A5 Highway from Olympus Hotel
Sumedha Perera at the Hotel observation Platform
The 02 Pereras observe Mist rolling in from the Koslanda-Wellavaya area
The 02 Pereras observe Mist rolling in from the Koslanda-Wellavaya area
Tea time
Tea time
Tea time
Tea time
Vehicles in the car park
The entrance to the Olympus Hotel
The entrance to the Olympus Hotel
The Colombo - Badulla Railway
Diyatalawa as seen from Olympus Hotel
The mist rolling in from Diyatalawa
Flowers in bloom at the Olympus
Flowers in bloom at the Olympus
Flowers in bloom at the Olympus
Flowers in bloom at the Olympus
Flowers in bloom at the Olympus
Flowers in bloom at the Olympus
Flowers in bloom at the Olympus
Flowers in bloom at the Olympus
Flowers in bloom at the Olympus
Flowers in bloom at the Olympus
Flowers in bloom at the Olympus
Flowers in bloom at the Olympus
Lasantha Perera relaxes
Late Evening scene from Anura Senanayake’s bungalow at Oliphant Estate
Late Evening scene from Anura Senanayake’s bungalow at Oliphant Estate
Late Evening scene from Anura Senanayake’s bungalow at Oliphant Estate
Sumedha and LJ at the bungalow before leaving for Guru
The garden outside Anura Senanayake’s Bungalow on Oliphant Estate
The garden outside Anura Senanayake’s Bungalow on Oliphant Estate
The garden outside Anura Senanayake’s Bungalow on Oliphant Estate
The garden outside Anura Senanayake’s Bungalow on Oliphant Estate
The garden outside Anura Senanayake’s Bungalow on Oliphant Estate
The garden outside Anura Senanayake’s Bungalow on Oliphant Estate
The garden outside Anura Senanayake’s Bungalow on Oliphant Estate
The garden outside Anura Senanayake’s Bungalow on Oliphant Estate
The garden outside Anura Senanayake’s Bungalow on Oliphant Estate
The garden outside Anura Senanayake’s Bungalow on Oliphant Estate
The 02 Perera’s with Pidurutalagala in the background
Anura Senanayake in conversation with Police Officer accompanying cyclists
Anura Senanayake flags off Cycle race for Oliphant Estate employees
Anura Senanayake giving last minute instructions to participants of road race
Anura Senanayake in conversation with Police Office accompanying Road Runners
Participants immediately before setting out
Road race participants take off
At the Estate grounds - Auura with the Police Officer
The bungalow on the hillock in the far distance as seen from the grounds

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