GALLERY OF EVENTS - STC Bandarawela Profile in Images - Page 1


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To an Old Boy who had joined the School at the Lower Kindergarten in 1952 under the Headmastership of the great Educationalist and Historian Mr.W T Keble and who studied in the School for six years upto Standard Five which was the upper limit in 1957 and who was paying the school a visit after 50 years there was hardly any remnant of the Old School left. Most of the Old Boys in the 62 Group of STCG had their Primary Education at STC Bandarawela during this era. To say that they will be amazed at the progress made at Bandarawela would be a gross understatement.

The Swimming Pool adjoining Peiris House was no more. In its place was the Edirisinghe Dormitory with modern amenities, named after Mr.David N Edirisinghe who had taught for 18 years. Almost all members of the STCG 62 Group were taught their basics in arithmetic by Mr.Edirisinghe. This Dorm is meant for Prefects and Advanced Level Students and has been provided with cubicles accommodating two students in each containing a secluded study area.

The only building that bore a slight resemblance to the previous structure was the dining hall, which too appears to have been extended to have greater seating capacity.

The great thing was that in every sphere starting with infrastructure there was only Improvement and Development. There was not an Iota of Deterioration or Degradation. The number on the Roll in the 1950’s was about 225 with over 95% as Boarders and a handful of Day Scholars. Today the number on the roll was around 1900 with less than 200 Boarders and the balance Day Scholars. The Classes then were only upto Standard 5. Today classes went up to Advanced Level in all 03 mediums of instruction.

The strength of the staff was about 100. There was a Volunteer from the United Kingdom Mr.Andrew Heselgrave, who has established an English Resource Centre where the Staff and Students get an opportunity to improve their English. Andrew has already utilized over Rs.1 Mn of his personal funds towards the Edirisinghe Dormitory. The School boasted of having the best results in the Uva Province for the last 06 years, in the GCE O’ Level Examinations. The number of students qualifying for admission to the University last year was 06 (Medicine) 07 (Engineering) and 27 (Commerce). This record of success is remarkable. Facilities were available for every conceivable item of Education. Buildings had come up in every nook and corner within the very limited land area available to provide all the necessary facilities and comforts for the entire community. In fact right now a large complex is coming up for the Minor Staff. And yet there is no stopping the march towards greater heights. A Multi Storied Building overlooking the picturesque chapel was coming up in the area just beyond, to house the Advanced Level Classes and Laboratory complex. This would provide adequate accommodation to conduct courses in the Advance Level Tamil Stream. “ I do not wish to tax the Old Boys and Parents. I have already collected Rs.25 Million. The cost of the entire project is estimated at Rs.35 Million. I will collect the balance by next January”. So said Headmaster Chandrasekera confidently, in his Report to the AGM of the OBA.

All in all it was a worthwhile visit and one which witnessed a great success story.

Our warm Congratulations and Best Wishes to the Branch School. We wish you many more years of success. You are a great example to the other Branches of the Thomian Family.

August 09,2008

As the images have been taken from several cameras they are not in proper sequence.

Staff Dining Table
Entrance Archway to College
Headmaster L A M Chandrasekera escorts Chief Guest Vijaya Corea
Headmaster L A M Chandrasekera escorts Chief Guest Vijaya Corea
Headmaster L A M Chandrasekera escorts Chief Guest Vijaya Corea
Cadet Band gives a performance
Cadet Band gives a performance
Keble Memorial Hall
Cadet Band gives a performance
Indoor Stadium
The Main Gate of the College
Basket Ball Court in between Keble Memorial Hall and Peiris Dorm
Inside the Keble Memorial Hall
Inside the Keble Memorial Hall
Buddika Kurukularatne with a friend outside Keble Memorial Hall
View of the main Gate from Entrance to Basket Ball Court
View from Entrance to Basket Ball Court
View of the Basketball Court from the Entrance
Side views of the Keble Memorial Hall
Basket Ball Court
Side view of Keble Memorial Hall from Basketball Court
Side view of Keble Memorial Hall and Basketball Court from Peiris Dorm
Where the old Swimming Pool stood – now the Edirisinghe Dorm
View from Entrance to Edirisinghe Dorm
Front view of the Edirisinghe Dorm
Entrance to Primary Section
The Art and Drama Centre- Where the old Open Air Theatre stood
The New Sick Room constructed by the OBA
The Drive as seen from outside Corea Dorm
Entrance to Dining Hall
The Primary Section as seen from across the Drive
Front View of Dining Hall
View of Primary Play Area – Art and Drama Centre and Sick Room. All of which were formerly part of the Open Air Theatre
Side View of Dining Hall, Kitchen and Staff Quarters with new Sick Room on Left.
The Grounds - the small and big amalgamated
View of Main Entrance from the Drive opposite Blanchard Dorm
Entrance to Blanchard Dorm

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