GALLERY OF EVENTS - Felicitation Dinner for Sunil Watawala - Page I

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Nihal Wanniarachchi has sent us the following e mail on March 13, 2014

“ Dear Friends,

An evening with a sumptuous dinner & live band playing songs or yesteryear has been planned to felicitate Sunil Watawala ( All-round student & All-round Sportsmen &  Head Prefect 1962),for his contribution to the College, his vocation and to the rest of the world. 

His love and dedication to STC Guru knew no bounds…… 

Active supporter of the OBA since leaving College and held various positions in the OBA.

No Thomian Fair/Dinner Dance were complete without his efforts and finishing touches for many years.

In the Coconut Plantation Industry, he represented Sri Lanka & Asia at various Global Forums. A True Ambassador who eloquently spoke at these events  

He made a huge and yeoman contribution to the Nation by being the Head of the Mahaveli Coconut Plantaions and cultivated from scratch up to 5000 acres of coconuts in the Polonnaruwa District. Visiting the Project every week to ensure high standards ere adhered at all times. 

One of his greatest achievements has been to be elected International Director of Lions Club International.  

We, his colleagues From STC GURU, feel it’s appropriate and important to recognize Sunil with a  Fellowship evening. 

Music & Dinner at the 80 Club Independence square on 17th Monday  at 7.30 pm.

Sunil will be accompanied by his wife Manel for this memorable evening. 

A nominal charge of Rs 2500/= has been proposed to set off the expenses.

Looking forward to an excellent evening with you all. Please note the attachment of participants.

Dress Code: Smart casual

Warm regards, 


 On 12 March 2014 22:41, nwanni <> wrote:

A sumptuous dinner has been planned to felicitate Sunil & Manel  Watawala ( All-round student & All-round Sportsmen &  Head Prefect 1962). One of his greatest achievements has been elected  International Director of Lions Club International, besides being elected Chairman of the Coconut Exporters Association. We, his colleagues known as FRIENDS OF GURU, feel it’s appropriate to recognize Sunil & Manel with Fellowship, Music & Dinner at the 80 Club Independence square on 17th Monday  at 7.30 pm.

A nominal charge of Rs 2500/= has been proposed to set off the expenses. Looking forward to an excellent evening with you all. Please note the attachment of participants.

Warm regards,


Please click here to view Dinner Name List


Kamal Nilaweera,Nihal Wanniarachchi, Palitha Rjapakse, Krisantha Weerawardena, Ziard Sinnen, Prabath Jayasundera, Ranjith Gunaratne, David Claasz, Lakshman Jayatileke, B D Mahipala, Gamini Jayasuriya, Lakshman Amunugama, T Sundaraj, G N R Silva, Bandu Kodituwakku, Kamal Kodituwakku, Sam Silva, Milton Fernando, Srilal Wickramaratne, Wimalanath Wickramasuriya, Jayantha Sellahewa, Karu Amarasinghe, Anilal Algama, Nath Kannangara, M Razeek, Prakash Butani, Kishin Butani, Upali Abeywickrama, Parakum Atapattu, Bandula Vithanage, Gamini Fernando, Sunil Watawala, Manel Watawala, Ravi Jayasekara

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