GALLERY OF EVENTS - Sing-a-Long for STCG - 15th November 2008

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A 'Sing - A - Long' was held on 15th November 2008
from 7.30 p.m. - 11.30 p.m.
at the Banquet Hall - B.M.I.C.H


This event was organised in order to collect funds to upgrade the grounds including the 3 turf wickets which were well constructed in 1998 by the late Marion Cooray - Curator of the Moratuwa Stadium. Donors comprised old students of Mr Gerald de Alwis, Manager of STC Gurutalawa at the time. Anura Tennekoon, Michael Tissera, Chandra Schaffter and a host of top class cricketers played in the inaugural match after the wickets were blessed by the Bishop of Colombo / Chairman Board of Governors.

Unfortunately successive Headmasters have neglected the turf wickets over the years. However, Ranil Abeynaike former Curator S.S.C cricket grounds and presently of S.T.C Mt Lavinia has promised to bring the wickets upto international standards, now that adequate funds are available.
The 'Sing - A - Long' was the brain wave of Gerald de Alwis. A ticket/song book was reasonably priced at Rs. 500/- each. There was a great demand for tickets even during the final week but the organisers could accommodate no more ! 500 seats was the maximum !!

Naturally there was ecstasy at the end of the show as all who came enjoyed themselves immensely. A good time was had by all. There was not only singing but plenty of dancing too ! Lots of attractive gifts were handed out to the winners of the well organised competitions & ticket draw.

The chief sponsor was Chandran Ratnum, a former student of Gerald de Alwis at S.T.C Guru while the co-sponsors were Nawaz Caffoor and Upali Guneratne [Chairman NSB] There were 14 banners displayed @ Rs. 10,000/- each. Derek Samarasinhe & Reggie Abeywira [Chairman, J.L. Morrison Son & Jones] were the oldest old boys to respond with banners.

Sohan and the X ' Periments was the band in attendance & Vijaya Corea was the Compere. A sum of Rs. 2.5 Lakhs was paid to Victory Entertainments. The surprise guest artiste was Rohan de Lanerole. He stole the show, so to speak ! His performance was on a voluntary basis.On completion of the show a profit of Rs. 4 Lakhs was recorded and duly handed over to the Headmaster S.T.C Gurutalawa.

Father Mark, the Headmaster is dedicated to the school & very keen on cricket. We have a great deal to accomplish - the pavilion has to be refurbished and a boundary wall has to be constructed in order to provide security for the grounds.

The Astro Turf Wicket and the Rs.3.5 Lakhs worth cricket material has been given to the school by the Interim Board of Cricket through the good offices of Mr Gerald de Alwis & Mr B.H Perera, a former teacher of S.T.C Guru.

We have to find cricket coaches too. Jerome Jayaratne is doing his best to supply the needs of the college.Anura Tennekoon & Chandika Hathurusinghe hope to conduct a coaching camp in February 2009.

The College is in safe hands now and we hope to raise the 'fallen idol' as it were. The 'deserted village' outlook will soon change.

More funds are required - God loves a cheerful giver ! The old boys could proudly say 'si monumentum requiris aere perennius circumspice' - if you need a monument more lasting than bronze, look around.

G De A


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