GALLERY OF EVENTS - Sports Meet - February 2008 - Page 1

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The Annual Sports Meet was held on Friday, February 15,2008 at the College Grounds. Brigd. Bandula Munasinghe, (Retired) a distinguished Old Boy, was the Chief Guest. The Events of the day were scheduled to commence at 10.00 a.m. Some of the moments captured by Cameramen Sumedha Perera and LJ, using a Sony Digital Still Camera (Cyber-shot) & a Nikon Digital Coolpix 8800 camera, are placed below for the viewing pleasure of interested Old Boys across the globe. Old Boys of the College of the 1958-1962 era and those immediately before and after and indeed those who were in College back up to 1942 and who have not visited College for some time will find several major changes that have taken place.

The present Event is much more elaborate, in keeping with similar events in comparable schools.

Colourful Tents for the 04 houses had been put up by the boys themselves. Hayman House was not in existence then. Nor were Flags, Crests and Mottos allocated to the different Houses. Then it was only the Colour and the Name, that distinguished the Houses from each other. The Tents themselves and the Students belonging to the respective House were Inspected by the Headmaster, Brigd. Bandula Munasinghe the Chief Guest, and Mr.Mahen Ranasinghe the Snr.Vice President of the OBA.

There was a smart Drill Display to recorded Music and the Students attired in colourful Uniforms formed the letters “STC”.

Young Thomians belonging to the Primary School at Keble House had special events which included a very interesting Fancy Dress Parade.

There were Tents constructed to accommodate Parents and Well Wishers. Teachers were accommodated in the Pavilion from where the Announcements were also made.Refreshments were served to all the visitors. A Welcome break with the past was the presence of a large number of Old Boys, mainly the very young,whose presence augers well for the future of the OBA and indeed is a Testament to their support for the much loved and dynamic Headmaster who is confident about leading the College towards a great Revival.

Apart from the commonly held Race for the Teachers, there was the additional Race for the first time, in the form of a Relay between a Team of Young Old Boys and 02 Teams of Present Boys. The Young Old Boys also challenged the present Boys to a Tug of War. In addition there was a Tug of War between 02 teams of Young Old Boys.

The weather gods proved somewhat unkind and consequently the Prize Giving had to be curtailed by awarding only the main Prizes and postponing the detailed Awards to be executed at the next College Assembly.

The College Band was in attendance, and played its part in the March Past and the Singing of the College Song and National Anthem at the end of the Event. The March Past was led by 02 of the Horses belonging to the Riding Club. The Students who rode the Horses were skilfully handling them. The Horses themselves displayed a lot of spirit and did a complete lap round the Grounds earlier on.


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