Formation & Objectives of Group and Participation in Revival
Correspondence with Headmaster
Correspondence with Mr. Upali Jayawardena (Hony. Secretary)
Correspondence with Mr. P.S. Duleepkumar
Correspondence with The Bishop


Correspondence with Mr. P.S. Duleepkumar


“August 07,2001.

I was extremely gratified to receive a copy of your letter of 31st July to Upali and indeed moved by the interest you are taking to resuscitate the school and the tremendous effort you have already directed towards it. May I assure you that I will support your initiative unreservedly and trust that the OBA Committee will not regard your action as an usurpation of their functions.

I now await from you the annexures referred to in your document and meanwhile I am studying your comment and recommendations to see what I could contribute. However, I would wish to make one point straightaway and that is that the Old Boys Association must regard itself as a true custodian of the School’s traditions and consequently must be prepared to play a greater role on matters of policy and administration that has previously been the case. This is because progressively the Headmasters of the School have had personal agendas in conflict with its best interests, and the Board of Governors who have only a theoretical interest in the School remain passive to its needs. To this end, I have for a long time suggested that a Management Board should be created under the aegis of the Board of Governors with majority representation and Chairmanship of the Executive Committee Members of the OBA.

In this regard it is vital to seek out and establish a ginger group of Old Boys who live within striking distance of the School and who are in a position to visit it regularly, attend all its important functions and generally support the Headmaster and the School. This group could be commissioned by the OBA Executive Committee and should be well represented in the Management Board.”

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,


“August 23,2001

Thank you for your letter of 14th August and the material you sent there with. I am reading your documents but necessarily taking my time over them.

However may I suggest the following modus operandi:

1. Ask theEx-Co for a Special meeting with it to discuss your letter of 15.03.2001 (along with the other signatories)
2. Together with few members of the Ex.Co form a Special Committee to prepare a memorandum of what needs to be done. Rope in Mr.Bandusena to this committee.
3. Submit the Memorandum to the New Head after he is installed and ask for a meeting with him – to further consider the recommendations, the practicability of enforcement and all the other relevant factors.
4. Put the Management Committee idea across to him and make him the Chairman. So that he wont feel that we are breathing down his neck, but are willing to play a hands on part to help him pull the School up by its boot straps.”


“October 18,2001

“Thank you for your letter of October 11,2001, the attachments and your report on STC Gurutalawa. Your report was staggering and has revealed a can of worms. I didn’t imagine that the degradation was so bad.

I am glad I met you at the Dinner and others whoa re supportive of your attempt to do something radical to change direction and assert the Old Boys Association’s right to be concerned with the administration of the School and to assist the Headmaster and the Board in this regard. This was the principle on which I resigned from the Committee of the OBA and we must give serious consideration to change the aims and objectives of the OBA Constitution at the next AGM. Those who objected indicated that the objectives of the Association did not support the position I tried to assert

I have still to study your report and what I write is from what I gleaned from a quick browsing over. I shall therefore reserve to give you my opinion on the Management Committee till later. Generally I would say that it should be a standing committee of the Board of Governors, unless the Headmaster himself is amenable to the idea of a Management Committee to assist him.

The concept of a Administrative Manager for all four schools is something I mooted about 20 years ago and I was extremely gratified that STC Mount has advertised for one. Guru too should have one, if only to break through the pernicious stranglehold the office personnel seem to have on the Headmasters, staff and the School.”



“November 28,2001

Thank you once again for your kind invitation, generous hospitality and the honours you and your Group conferred on meat your Fortieth Anniversary Friendship Dinner. Further I was overwhelmed by the inscription on the magnificent memento plaque which I read only on my return from the hotel. It really made me feel so unworthy. I also read your welcome notes and attached documents the next morning.

My mind boggles at the time, energy and expense you all have incurred.. Truly your Group will herald the beginning of a new era in the history of S.Thomas’ College, Gurutalawa.

With renewed thanks and warm regards.”

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