GALLERY OF EVENTS - STCG OBA 50th Anniversary AGM and Re-Union Celebrations - Feb 27th - Mar 1st 2009 - Page 1

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AGM and Re-Union Celebrations 2009
(Friday, February 27 – Sunday, March 1, 2009)

It was a great weekend to say the least. Old Boys started pouring in by 3.00 p.m Friday, 27th, the Senior Vice President, Mahen Ranasinghe having arrived at 8.00 am to welcome the arrivals, and to attend to other preparatory work detailed in the Secretary’s Report.

The Headmaster had welcomed the Old Boys with the Banners, “Welcome to the Annual Re-Union” at the College entrance and “Welcome Old Gurutalawians to the Annual Re-Union and Golden Jubilee AGM”, in front of the Chapel. Gurutalawians, a name used for the first time. The new Name Board for the College also was installed by 2.30 p.m in time for the first Old Boy to arrive. Each Old Boy was handed over by the Security Staff at the entrance to the College a Note of welcome from the Headmaster.

Jamil the Contractor for the Toilet and the Reid roof Project, was busy trying to complete the Reid roof for occupation that night. It appeared to be an impossible task, as it was at the stage of fixing reepers, having lost two half days due to rain a couple of days ago.

The estimated figure for Friday dinner was 50, based on previous years, but food was to be prepared for 75 persons. With information gathered by Mahen over the phone from various parties leaving Colombo, the order was increased to 100 and proved to be correct with almost that number taking dinner.

Breakfast on 28th was ready by 8 am, catering for 125, allowing for late comers in the night. Present Boys had their breakfast early and went to the grounds. It must be mentioned that the team consisted of three Under 13 players as some of the senior boys had gone home having contracted flu, an epidemic in the area. At the request of the Head Master and the Prefect of Games, Mr. Medawala the Captain of the Old Boys team was asked to be soft on the under 13 players. For the Old Boys there was heavy competition to get into the team, with over 25 registering. Ziard Sinnen, who was given the task of selecting the team, had a tough time and he wasn’t the most popular person, when the final team with 5 reserves were selected.

Mahen was at the grounds to ensure that the match started on time, but had to leave the grounds, on a telephone call from the head chef, Sarath that he was running short of food with another 20 or so waiting to eat. It came as a shock to Mahen that 1500 string hoppers and 40 loaves of bread had been finished, by 100 or so Old Boys. However he rushed to Boralanda and bought everything from 3 restaurants there, to get 150 string hoppers, 20 hoppers and 15 loaves of bread to save an embarrassing situation.

The cricket match of 20 overs, once again had an exciting finish and ended with the Old Boys winning with only 3 balls to spare, and wicket in hand, turning the tables from last year.

Details are as follows:

Present Boys – 154 for 6 wickets in 20 overs
Old Boys – 155 for 9 in 19.3 overs

Well done Present Boys for putting up such a good fight, in spite of missing a few good players and obviously there was no opportunity for the Old Boys to be soft, as intended earlier.
Mr. Ananda Gallearchchi presented a 35 match scorebook, commencing with this year’s match and to be kept in the custody of the Headmaster. A Challenge Trophy in memory of Mr. E. L Perera, a former Headmaster and 4 cups and certificates for all players were made available, by courtesy of Mr. Rienzie Fernando, Chairman, Roots Global (Pvt) Ltd., producers of freshly squeezed tropical fruit juices and power energy smoothies and all are kindly requested to show our gratitude by patronizing these products.

Man of the Match and Best Bowler(Present Boys)–W.M.M.N.Weerakoon 4 wkts and 18 runs
Best Batsman (Present Boys) - V. Wilfred, Captain of Present Boys (31 runs)
Best Batsman (Old Boys) – Dushantha Dharmawardena
Best Bowler (Old Boys) - R. Shanmugam

The pavilion had the new look after the refurbishing work, completed immediately before the weekend, by courtesy of Mr. Nawaz Caffoor. Water from the tube well was also available, through the compressor installed recently, funds having been made available by Mr. Gerald de Alwis, from those raised from the Sing A Long. Electricity supply was also available, again with Mr. Gerald De Alwis’s influence with the CEB.

Everyone returned to College for the usual dip in the swimming pool and a 4x 25 m free style relay between the Old boys and the Present boys was won by the Present Boys.

Lunch followed, taken by 185 persons. In spite of requests to come for meals on time some Old Boys turned up even after 4 pm asking for lunch when the lunch time was clearly given as up to 3 pm only.

The basketball match between two teams was won by the Old Boys, 34-27, turning the tables from last year and the Volleyball match, Old Boys v Support Staff was won by the Old Boys.

The cricket and basketball players of the Present Boys and the Support Staff Volley Ball team were presented with the STC Gurutalawa caps.

Mr. Gerald de Alwis declared open the Astro Turf, at 5.00 pm by cutting a ribbon and bowling the first ball to Captain V. Wilfred of the Present Boys. Mr. B.H. Perera, a former teacher at Guru, who helped in getting the turf from the Cricket Board, where he is the Administration Manager. The Headmaster, Senior Vice President of the OBA, Mr. Mahen Ranasinghe and some Old Boys were present at the occasion.

The AGM commenced at 6 pm, attended by a record 190 Members. Earlier there was a Presentation done by the IT Department boys depicting the progress of the College from the early days. The presence of Mr. P S Duleepkumar, first Hony. Secretary of the OBA and founder Members Messrs. Bradman Weerakoon and Gerald De Alwis was an honour. The first Senior Vice President, Mr. S. K Wickremasinghe and other founder Members. Messrs Arthur Perera, Cecil and Leslie Habaragoda, Nawaz Caffoor were among those who could not attend.

The following were elected as Office Bearers to the Executive Committee.

Senior Vice President - Mahen Ranasinghe

Vice President - Christo Gonawela

Vice President - Prabhath Jayasundara

Vice President - M.Thirumurugamoorthy

Secretary - Dinusha de Costa

Treasurer - P. Dhayabaran

Asst. Secretary - A C M Rashid

Asst. Treasurer - Wansapriya Gunaseela

The Headmaster's Report was comprehensive, well presented and very well received by the Old Boys.

Mr. Rajmohan spoke of Mr. Mahen Ranasinghe’s dedication etc. and Mr. Mahen Ranasinghe was presented with a gift by Mr. Krishantha Weerawardena.. Mr. Mahen Ranasinghe's Re - Election as Senior Vice President was by very popular demand despite the strong effort made by him to step down.

Fellowship time followed with the Music provided by a live band and complimentary liquor, and bites provided by the OBA.

The Fellowship Dinner was attended by over 190 Members and invitees. Messrs. Bradman Weerakoon and P Duleepkumar made after Dinner Speeches.

The following members of the support staff were given cash gifts of Rs.6000/= each for their long service.
Messrs.J.M Jaylabdeen – 27 yrs
W.D. Rupasinghe – 27 yrs
M.P.M Saleen - 27 yrs.
M.P.M. Nizar - 26 yrs.
A.M. Jinadasa - 23 yrs.
A. Jenul Abdeen - 23 yrs.

Sunday service at the chapel was followed by planting trees around the dining hall and Foster Hall, by Old Boys from each decade to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the OBA. Messrs. P.S Duleepkumar, Mahen Ranasinghe, S. Rajmohan, Shervon Fernando, S. Balaramesh and Mr. M. Thirumurugamoorthi did the honours.

The roof of Reid Dorm was completed with temporary wiring by Saturday 28th, for occupation, but the arrangements in the other two dormitories, sickroom, isolation room, old library, music room, and the guest house were adequate for the numbers present.

Mahen. R
March 01,2009


Read the Headmaster's Report presented at the AGM

Read the Press Release Re 50th Anniversary AGM and
Re-Union Celebrations

Contact Details of New Ex-Co 2009 - 2010

On the way to College the view from Haputale
On the way to College the view from Haputale
Alpine Inn – a favourite stop over of some Senior Old Boys on the way to Guru
The flowers / garden at Alpine Inn
The flowers / garden at Alpine Inn
The flowers / garden at Alpine Inn
Early morning tea at Guru
Wanni and Shervon collecting ticket money
Dayabaran manning the gate and selling tickets
Saldin, Hermon, Kuru and Nihal Wanni
Sunda, Shervon, Amare, B Muna and Rajmohan at breakfast time
Sunda, Amare, Shervon, LJ and Rajmohan
Dayabaran and Moorthy
Sunda, Shervon and Mahen
Old Boys having late breakfast
……….. Milinda Hettiarachchi, Rajmohan and……….
Vehicles parked near Dining Hall / Admin. Block
Vehicles parked near Main Entrance
Entrance to College with Chapel in the background
College name board
College name board
College name boards and Security hut
Banner put up by Headmaster to welcome Old Boys
Banner put up by Headmaster to welcome Old Boys
The tablet at the main entrance re gift by the De Sarams
The new Junior Dorm toilets and wash rooms
The tablet outside
The shower area (10 showers)
Squatting pans (03 Toilets)
Urinals (10 Urinals)
The Wash basin area (09 Wash basins)
Commodes (09 Toilets)
The shower area
The rear of the toilets landscaped and the concrete louvers
The Swimming Pool with the diving boards at the far end.
The diving boards
The Swimming Pool with the Chapel in the background
The Swimming Pool with the Chapel in the background
The changing rooms for visitors (not in use at present)
The landscaped section at the rear of the toilets
Reid Junior dorm being repaired
The Corridor outside Reid Junior
The quadrangle of the Junior Dorms with building materials
Entrance to De Saram Junior ( home to many great Thomians)
The view from the entrance to the Junior Dorms.
The big drain adjacent to Dr. Hayman’s Old Lab
The entrance to the new Dining Hall.
Mahen, Dinusha and Shervon at the entrance to Dining Hall.
The Library
Buddhika seated at the Entrance.
Entrance to the Foster Hall.
Mrs. Chintha Dias a Senior Teacher talking to some of her former pupils.
The vegetable plot outside the Headmaster’s Bungalow

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