GALLERY OF EVENTS - GALLERY OF EVENTS - STCG OBA 50th Anniversary AGM and Re-Union Celebrations - Feb 27th - Mar 1st 2009 - Page 3

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Vehicles around the grounds
Kamal Nilaweera back from U.K. meets old friends
Vehicles around the grounds
Vehicles around the grounds
Vehicles around the grounds
Vehicles around the grounds
The present boys going in to field
Old boys around the grounds
Old boys around the grounds
Old boys around the grounds
The T’Shirt gifted to players of both teams
Last minute adjustments to the helmet
The Old Boys opening pair going in to bat
Old Boys – Spectators around the grounds
Old Boys – Spectators around the grounds
Old Boys – Spectators around the grounds
Shervon going around the grounds selling tickets
Shervon going around the grounds selling tickets
Shervon going around the grounds selling tickets
Shervon going around the grounds selling tickets
Shervon going around the grounds selling tickets
Shervon going around the grounds selling tickets
Shervon going around the grounds selling tickets
Vehicles around the grounds
The cricket match in progress
The Pavilion as seen from the far end of the grounds
The cricket match in progress
The cricket match in progress
Fellowship whilst the match is in progress
Fellowship whilst the match is in progress
The score board erected and donated by Mr.Sarath Suraweera in 2003
Shervon going around the grounds selling tickets
The sign on a vehicle of the Old Boys.
A mobile bar
The cricket match in progress
The tent for the Old Boys cricket team.
Mobile bars of the Old Boys
Fellowship whilst the match is in progress
Fellowship whilst the match is in progress
LJ with 02 members of the staff

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